“VERTIGO” Daisuke Yokota 横田大輔

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Daisuke Yokota 横田大輔

Shortlisted for ‘Book Of The Year Prize’ of Aperture / Paris Photo PhotoBook Awards 2014
Shortlisted for The 2015 Book Awards of Arles


293mm x 208mm
B&W Triple Tone
96 Pages

Design : Goshi Uhira
Editing : Daisuke Yokota, Kohei Oyama
Printing & Binding : Sun M Color LTD.

Limited Edition of 500

>> INTERVIEW : Daisuke Yokota

Daisuke Yokota is photographer who was born in 1983. In 2011, his self published artist book “Back Yard” had great feedback and dramatic diffusion. Start by that, he expands his work frame at both home and abroad and he held his solo exhibition “site/cloud” at G/P Gallery in Japan, published photo book from Artbeat Publishers, and became first winner of “The Outset | Unseen Exhibition Found” competition at Unseen Photo Fair 2013, and now he holds a same title solo show at Foam Museum in Amsterdam. So it can be said that he becomes one of important artist who take a leads of further contemporary photography field.

Until today, he has used various techniques of photographic development such as high temperature development, retouching by Photoshop, duplication. Further more, he builds the image with accidental effects like using form of noise which dust adheres on molten photographic emulsion and film’s surface as his work themed on updating the information of the image which recorded past scenes by scraping, and establish the image with multiplying new element. Those images which were multiplied so many techniques have scabrous texture, and it stimulate viewer’s aesthesis with disquieting impression. As a result of the technical development, he closes up to medium itself that constructs photography, and could bring it to fruition as his work.

‘The most recent artist book “VERTIGO” which is same title with great suspense film of Alfred Hichcock could be said it is a series that perceptively expresses Yokota’s aspect, and it is kind of evolutional consequence of “Back Yard”. We could see there is a connection point to other visual arts such as painting and film from his approach which hadn’t been seen in his work before such as closeup photo of nude or bird’s eye view shot, and also his editing which makes viewers conscious of sequence.

横田大輔は1983年生まれの写真家で、2011年に制作したセルフパブリッシング『Back Yard」の驚異的な拡散を皮切りに、「site/cloud」の個展開催 (G/P Gallery)、及び写真集刊行 (Artbeat Publishers)、Unseen Photo Fair 2013 において”The Outset | Unseen Exhibition Fund” 初の受賞者となり、現在アムステルダムの美術館 Foam Museumで同タイトルの個展を開催中と、国内外でその活動の幅を広げ、今後のコンテンポラリー・フォトグラフィーをリードしていく作家の一人と見られています。

これまで横田は、かつて目の前の光景を記録した像 = 写真を解体し、その結果更新される今・現在のイメージを上書きして定着させることをテーマとして作品を制作しています。乗算されたイメージは、ざらついて、不穏な、見る側の知覚に刺激をもたらすものになります。そういった視覚的な効果を獲得するために、横田はフィルムの高温現像、Photoshopによるレタッチ、またそれらの複写など、写真現像やプリンティングにまつわる様々な手法を駆使し、溶解した乳剤、フィルム面に付着したチリや埃などのノイズから表出したフォルムを掬い取り、偶然性を介入させながらイメージを生成します。結果的に横田はその過程において写真を成り立たせる中間層であるメディウムの存在に肉薄し、作品として結実させていきます。

この度リリースする、アルフレッド・ヒッチコックの名作サスペンス映画と同じタイトルである最新作「VERTIGO」は、そういった横田の特徴を最も鋭敏な形で体現したシリーズであり、「Back Yard」の進化系と位置付けることができます。加えて、ヌードのクローズアップや上空からの撮影などのこれまでにない視点によるアプローチや、シークエンスを意識させる編集により映画や絵画など他の視覚芸術との接続点を見ることができます。