Interview : Kenta Cobayashiインタビュー : 小林健太

Kenta Cobayashi
In the four years since the publication of his two photobooks, “EVERYTHING_1” and “EVERYTHING_2”, published by Newfave, Kenta Cobayashi has participated in numerous exhibitions at museums and galleries in Japan and abroad, provided work for fashion brands, created displays for newly opened store, and has done a great deal of other large-scale work as a photographer.At the same time, he has continued to collaborate with colleagues and compatriots, and his work has been developed in the form of publications and performances.This is an interview with Newfave’s founder, Kohei Oyama, who has known Cobayashi since he was a student and has seen the trajectory and changes in his work up close.
当時はまだ渋家に住んでいませんでした。大山さんと横田さんのワークショップで見せたのは家族や友人を写したモノクロームでストレートフォトのzineでした。ワークショップをきっかけに、同期だったPUGMENTの大谷将弘と一緒に大学のコピー機で遊びながらzineを作りました。その翌年から渋家に住み始め、日々の写真を撮りはじめました。渋家では毎月zineを作って交換する「GENE’S MATE」や、巨大なzineを制作する「MMGGZZNN」プロジェクトを行い、現在の活動の起点となりました。zineの制作によって、写真のレイアウトを組む面白さに気がつきました。
At that time, I was not yet living in Shibu-house. What I showed at you and Yokota’s workshop was a monochrome, straight photo zine of family and friends. After the workshop, I made some zines with my colleague Masahiro Otani of PUGMENT and I played with a copier at the university. The following year, I began living in Shibu-house and taking daily photos. It was through the creation of the zines that I found it interesting to put together the layout of the photos.
Come to think of it, I often thought about Otani and “distribution” when I was in university. I was feeling limited by the closed space of an art university. Self-publishing seemed like the perfect way to get a feel for distribution, and it was encouraging and inspiring to hear that the people running the collective are in Japan, and that there are artists in the generation above them who have gained worldwide recognition.

高校時代『銀河ヒッチハイクガイド』が好きで、通学中によく読んでいました。有名なセンテンス「生命、宇宙、そして万物についての究極の疑問の答え(Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything)」から引用して『Everything』をブログのタイトルとしました。
I became aware of the Shibu-house when I was in high school, and one of the ways I learned about it was through the blog of Yuuki Ishida (Shibu-house member: photographer), who was a keen watcher. I knew how fun photography could be from Ishida’s influence, so I initially handled it as media in a blog.
When I was in high school, I loved “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and used to read it on my way to school. I chose “Everything” as the title of my blog, quoting from the famous sentence “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”.
There are certainly different textures in print and monitor, but the feel of the work being placed in the space meant more to me. By devising the size and arrangement of the work, the meaning of the space is changed, and this is how a kind of boundary is created. The works displayed on the web are important, of course, but they are just the seeds for the real-world boundary to operate.

そうですね。『ISLAND IS ISLANDS』のVR制作ではGod Scorpion、のちのVR作品『REM』ではビートメイカーのMolphobeatsとコラボレーションしましたし、『SOUND&VISION』では高田優希とコラボレーションしました。全員渋家で同じ釜の飯を食った仲です。作りたいものがあるから彼らに声をかけたというより、ただ一緒に何かをやりたかったから彼らを誘ってみました。
From 2014 to 2016, I actively participated in book fairs abroad. It was a very gratifying experience to have fans of my work in so many different countries. A team from Japan participated in the event, standing in a booth and selling, and afterwards drinking and exploring the city, it was a lot of fun, just like a caravan. I was lucky to have a good team including Oyama-san and Yokota-san.
The first time I learned to enjoy creating something was on a website where I used flash to make snowflakes when I was in junior high school. When I created a unique geometric figure with some ingenuity, and a couple of comments were written in English, I knew the joy of being connected to the world through creation. Selling my work at overseas book fairs and actually getting a response is like an extension of that joy I had in junior high school.
Yes, that’s right. I collaborated with God Scorpion on the VR work of “ISLAND IS ISLANDS”, beat maker Molphobeats on the later VR work “REM”, and Yuki Takada on “SOUND&VISION”. They all ate the same food in Shibu-house. I didn’t reach out to them because I wanted to make something, I just wanted to do something together, so I invited them to join me.
To begin with, I think photography is a medium that is easy to collaborate with, and can only be established by taking in the external environment. The reason I left the strokes as symbolic traces, like tags and signs, may have been that I wanted to embed a distinctive shape for the collaboration.

『The Scrap』では互いの写真を交換しながら加工を重ねていきました。横田さんが『Color Photographs』に代表されるような、溶解したフィルムの技法に行き着くまでに、デジタル加工のバリエーションをいくつも試したことは知っていましたが、その片鱗をやり取りの中で感じました。
自分としては、横田さんとやり取りの中で、共通点より相違点を見出せたことが影響として大きかったです。個人として追求するテーマの違い、世代として影響を受けた文化の違い、カラーの扱い方や質感の好みの違い、コラボレーションするチームの違いなど… それらを自覚していくことで、自分の作品の輪郭が見えてきました。
Yokota is about 10 years my senior, but he gave me a lot of guidance at the fairs overseas. He introduced me to some artists, curators and collectors. As a photographer with a style that crushes photography in a big way, Yokota’s fans often liked my work.
In “The Scrap”, we exchanged photos of each other and processed them over and over. I knew that he had tried a number of variations of digital processing before arriving at the technique of dissolving film, as typified by “Color Photographs,” but I got a glimpse of that in our conversation.
For me, the fact that I was able to find more differences than commonalities in my interactions with Yokota was a major influence. By becoming aware of the different themes we pursue as individuals, the different cultures we are influenced by as a generation, the different ways we handle color and the different textures we prefer, the different teams we collaborate with, and so on…I have come to see the contours of my work as a result of this awareness.
As a new generation of Japanese photographer, Yokota was at the vanguard of breaking into the international contemporary photography scene. Whether he wants to or not, Provoke’s photographers on the international scene and his comparison was made. I think Yokota was very sincere about that. I, on the other hand, had no influence or pressure from traditional Japanese photography to carry the billboard as a global digital native.
Such a season seems to be over now. I feel like we’re going to go down very different paths from here on out. I’m looking forward to it!

The nice thing about self-publishing is that I can experiment without thinking about the thickness of the book. As I felt during the editing of “EVERYTHING_2”, ‘roughness’ is an important element. It’s not fun when the momentum is dead, so I think self-publishing is a good way to keep it going. There is a lot of free software out there, and nowadays we can create a lot of interesting things with just one laptop. However, even if I create something interesting in a one-off or small batch, it is essential to have a collaborator to maintain the production and go deeper. Thanks to Tadahiro Gunji’s design, Kaleido Ink from Shumpousha, and Oyama, who directed them, I was able to create something that I would not have been able to achieve on my own.
-I think the fact that photography goes so well with the book format, let alone the internet, is a factor in why so many people buy and make photo books. However, for some artists, it often happens that the book is good but the exhibition is not interesting. As an artist, what do you think about that gap?What’s interesting about the exhibition is how much of an impact it has on the space. In an exhibition space, it creates a three-dimensional connection, or if it hangs on the wall of a collector’s house, it gently changes its living landscape. There the work is open to the collector’s family and friends. Photo books, on the other hand, end up on the bookshelves of the people who bought them and are opened when the collector feels like it. I feel that there is a more closed and private relationship that is created there than the work that hangs on the wall.
As a child, I grew up listening to radio dramas before going to bed. The limited information in the audio alone expanded the image. The photo book also deals with the time line from beginning to end, but not in the rich way that the video work does. Because it’s a limited medium, there’s a quality to it that allows the viewer’s unique image to expand.

-2019年のrin art associationでの個展「The Magician’s Nephew」の期間中に『SOUND&VISION』をアップデートしたパフォーマンス作品『#VISUALINERTIA』を発表。『SOUND&VISION』でトライした画像編集のプロセスをリアルタイムで投影しつつそこに音響を乗せていくという形は踏襲しながら、ストロークを描く手段がマウスやトラックパッドからスマホに変わったことで、よりこばけんの身体そのものが浮かび上がる形になった。この作品の意図はどんなところ?『SOUND&VISION』では、ラップトップPCの中で起こっていることを投影する手法をとっていました。『#VISUALINERTIA』では、より体全体を使って制作に向き合いたかった。「イメージの拡大縮小」が持つ可能性を探究したかったと言うのが一つのコンセプトです。ディスプレイ上で拡大縮小しても、そこで起こっていることのその本質的な面白さを生かし切れていないのではないか。体より大きな編集空間が、最終的にはA4サイズの表現に収まるといったような、ダイナミックな拡縮を扱いたかったんです。
One of the things that struck me in my college conversations with him was how the history of fashion all goes back to the military. When I learn it right, all technology comes down to the military. In retrospect, my conversation with Ohtani led me to realize the structural sadness of it all. I like PUGMENT’s work because it has such an underlying awareness of these issues.
-The performance work “#VISUALINERTIA”, an update of “SOUND&VISION”, will be presented during a solo exhibition “The Magician’s Nephew” at RIN ART ASSOCIATION in 2019. While keeping with the image editing process you tried in “SOUND & VISION”, in which you projected images in real time and added sound to them, you changed the method of drawing strokes from a mouse or trackpad to a smartphone, and your body itself came to the surface. What is the intention of this piece?With “SOUND&VISION”, I had a way of projecting what was going on in my laptop. For #VISUALINERTIA, I wanted to use my whole body more to face the production. One concept is that I wanted to explore the possibilities of ‘image scaling’. Even if you zoom in and out on the display, it doesn’t make the most of the intrinsic interest of what’s happening there. I wanted to deal with a dynamic expansion of the editing space, which is larger than the body, but ultimately fits into an A4 size expression.
And the other reason is that in the four years since my last work, I’ve come to the conclusion of my head’s inquiry and I want to move toward expression that is only possible through the body. The edge that I arrived at in my mind’s eye is the ‘Universe on the Grid’. This is the geometric space that appears when you zoom in on Photoshop. That grid space is the basic unit of linguistic information space that arises in the brain, one basic form of beauty, and as a concept it is linked to atomic theory and to a deterministic worldview.
Now that I know that, I have a better idea of what I was looking for in a production. At the end of the digital aesthetic, I feel I’ve been touched. So I want to turn around from there and head towards the aesthetics of the body world, which is uncharted territory. It is an exploration of the outside of the grid, this real space, linked to an indeterminate quantum theoretical worldview.
I think it takes a lot of time for people to realize how interesting reality is, but I arrived at it through my work. I’m so grateful for that already.

That’s where this comforting feeling comes in after publishing. With “EVERYTHING_1”, I was in a state of unexplored territory for my work. “EVERYTHING_2” has opened up my perception of my work in a way that is incomparable.
Some of the works in “EVERYTHING_2″ were created around the same time as those in “EVERYTHING_1”, and some were created this year, so I was able to create a layout for a wide range of seasons over a four-year period from a different perspective than the previous work.
Shortly after publication, the coronavirus went viral and the world changed forever. In that sense, this photo book has become a symbol for me. I feel that if I take a little more time to look at this photo book, a different meaning will come to light.
It seems to me that the structure of the city expresses the collective unconscious of the people towards its form. The world’s economy is developing in the same way in order to achieve this. It’s full of concrete and electrical decorations, like a stereoscopic bar graph, with the XYZ axis treated in a grid-like fashion. Sure, there’s a certain beauty there, but it’s also a horribly boring view.
…but with the coronavirus, things have changed! If we have to deal with this virus for a long time to come, then this unipolar overcrowded city model is nullified. The viral epidemic is painful, but dare I say it, this paradigm shift has a lot of potential.
Depending on the type of brush, it can be a slow and heavy feedback to process. The heaviness and lightness of the processing has an impact on the way the stroke runs, as a feedback of the weight of the digital space.
We’ve also improved the three-dimensional effect of intersecting strokes, exploring the shallow depth of Photoshop’s editing space.

The transition from Tyrannosaurus Rex to T.Rex may have something to do with the theme of my work.
I love the culture of the 60s-70s for its electric new media like television and electric guitar, the psychedelic movement’s exploration of human existence, and its early impulsive sensitivity. I like Edward Muybridge more retrospectively, too, but I’m more interested in the hints hidden in the early impulses. In this day and age, I sometimes feel that we place too much value on refinement in all media.
I wasn’t born at the time, but I learned about 60-70 years of culture on the internet. Capitalism and communism, the development of technology and media, the cause of war, the meaning of human existence, and the hope for space development were all questioned at the same time, and this was a turning point in human history. Then there must be something that spilled over on the steer towards ultra-capitalism from the 80s onwards. That’s what I want to look for.
In some ways, the post-Corona shock world may be a tipping point that rivals the 60s-70s. The initial urge to experiment and invent is at least hovering around me.
I’m happy that they’re using special inks because I like a curveball! The display emits light, but the print also has a light-absorbing aspect to it. I think that’s the appeal of printed materials.
-When making “EVERYTHIG_1”, the designer, Gunji, came up with the simple and brilliant idea of being able to bind the future series into a single book with a single rubber band, with the intention of releasing it continuously. I would like to continue to release the “EVERYTHING” series in the future.Yes. It’s cool to see the sharp edges when they’re combined! The word ‘everything’ has a similar meaning to the mysteriousness of the word ‘Shashin”. I hope to continue to explore ‘everything’ in the future!
主な個展に「Live in Fluctuations」Little Big Man Gallery(ロサンゼルス、2020年)、「The Magician’s Nephew」rin art association(高崎、2019年)、「自動車昆虫論/美とはなにか」G/P gallery(東京、2017年)、主なグループ展に「ハロー・ワールド ポスト・ヒューマン時代に向けて」水戸芸術館(水戸、2018)「GIVE ME YESTERDAY」フォンダツィオーネ・プラダ・ミラノ(イタリア、2016年)など。2019年には、マーク・ウェストン率いるダンヒル、2020年春夏コレクションとのコラボレーション、またヴァージル・アブロー率いるルイ・ヴィトン、メンズ秋冬コレクション2019のキャンペーンイメージを手がける。主なコレクションに、サンフランシスコアジア美術館(アメリカ)などがある。2016年に写真集『Everything_1』、2020年に『Everything_2』がNewfaveより発行。
Kenta Cobayashi
Born in 1992, Kanagawa, Japan. Based in Tokyo and Shonan.
He has had a solo exhibition “Live in Fluctuations” Little Big Man Gallery (Los Angeles, 2020); “The Magician’s Nephew” rin art association (Takasaki, 2019); “Insectautomobilogy / What is an aesthetic?” G/P gallery (Tokyo, 2017); and his works have been featured in major group exhibitions such as “Hello World―For the Post-Human Age” ART TOWER MITO (Mito, 2018) “GIVE ME YESTERDAY” Fondazione Prada (Milan, 2016); He collaborated with Dunhill Spring / Summer collection 2020 led by Mark Weston, and worked on the campaign image for Louis Vuitton Men’s Fall / Winter Collection 2019 led by Virgil Abloh. His works have been added to a collection at major institutions like Asian Art Museum, San Francisco. His photo book ‘Everything_1’ (2016) and ‘Everything_2’ (2020) was published by Newfave.
Books and edition